Any plan to support RaZberry?

Is there any plan to implement support for using the RaZberry daughtercard to integrate with HomeKit setups? That’s the widget I bought to accomplish this, and sadly, it doesn’t work with Mozilla’s IoT system yet.

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RaZberry is a Z-Wave card, which is entireley separate from HomeKit. We do have an open issue to support the RaZberry for Z-Wave here.

HomeKit is solely Wi-Fi and Bluetooth LE (BLE) based, so no extra hardware is needed.

Right, of course. I knew that, too. I actually meant that I have the RaZberry card in my Pi so that I can unify my HomeKit and my Z-Wave devices, and would like very much to use Things to do that.

Which ZWave adapter do you recommand ?

Our company is currently evaluating the opportunity to move our proprietary industrial IoT gateway to WebThings as a potential open standard.

We have the Razberry 2 Hat installed and the manufacturer software provides a web server which is running just fine on port 8083 (e.g. http://192.168.1.XXX:8083/smarthome/#/dashboard).

Now the question is still : How can we integrate Z-Wave Razberry Hat to WebThings?

We search the docs and read the GitHub issue #8 but did not find any definitive clues.

Under the Z-Wave adapter plugin for WebThings Gateway configuration page requests to enter the 16-bytes z-wave networkKey. How can I query its value from the razberry card? And by setting this value in the config page will it include the card to WebThings (i.e. solve this question thread)?

Thanks for your support !

I know nothing about this board or related discussion.

Silabs has a free windows tool I used a year ago when inspecting parameters supported by my AEOTEC USB dongle and GE Z-Wave devices. At the time, I was attemtping to verify if they supported specific options that controlled light behaviour as defined by the OpenZwave standards.

The point being is this tool, if it can connect to the razberry, may be able to query and alter low-level options configured in that device too.

I don’t have the link or remember the tool name at this moment but know it was still published a couple months ago.

You can check out this fork of zwave-adapter , it supports razberry

Nice to see razberry support… BUT I cannot find it in the plugins list to install.
I suppose we can force the install of such a fork via ssh. Could you please give me the sequence of bash commands or some link to docs?

I have this in my clone of official addon-list, - you can use that link and configure your webthings with it.

I’ve installed addons by performing a “git clone” of the repository directly into the addon directory and restarting the gateway.

This could work. Probably should remove the original zwave adapter and restart your gateway first…

cd addons
git clone

I’m still not there ! To summarise the procedure I went so far:

  1. SSH to Raspberry, e.g.

  2. execute in sequence :

cd ~/.webthings/addons
git clone
nano zwave-adapter/manifest.json

and change the json id property from "zwave-adapter" to "arybitskiy-zwave-adapter", save (ctrl-X Y).

  1. sudo reboot
    since sudo systemctl restart webthings-gateway.service was not sufficient.

  2. Now, refreshing the addons settings page displays the Z-Wave [arybitskiy] in the addons list.

BUT the problem is in the Configure form:

  • where do I find the 16-byte networkKey ?
  • and what about the debug field ?

ZWave network is already running correctly with the Z-Wave.Me apps or as a web page (e.g. since the Razberry card and software are installed.
I suspect that the 16-byte networkKey should not be change otherwise I will have to reinitialise all my wave peripherals. Any clue where to find it?
Capture d’écran 2021-01-27 à 17.55.35

My procedure to make Razberry works with Webthings

These steps have succeeded on 2021-01-27.

We proceed on a Raspberry where both the official Razberry and Webthings software are already installed.

Step 1. Find your Home-id

I suppose that you can skip this if your z-wave network has not been set up (i.e. if no z-wave devices are included).

  1. Connect to your z-wave web page in expert mode (not smarthome, e.g.
  2. Display and write the Controller Info Home id (something like 0x12ee34ff) for later use.

Step 2. Install arybitskiy-zwave-adapter on Raspberry Pi :

Connect to pi with ssh and execute :

node -v

depending on node version download the appropriate release of arybitskiy-zwave-adapter, for instance with node version 10 :

sha256sum -c arybitskiy-zwave-adapter-1.0.6-linux-arm-v10.tgz.sha256sum
# checksum should succeed

tar xvf arybitskiy-zwave-adapter-1.0.6-linux-arm-v10.tgz
mv arybitskiy-zwave-adapter ~/.webthings/addons/

nano ~/.webthings/addons/arybitskiy-zwave-adapter/manifest.json

ensure that value of json property id is the same as the addon folder name, i.e. arybitskiy-zwave-adapter :

  "id": "arybitskiy-zwave-adapter",

Step 3. Then, set appropriate services to run

# original Razberry service should be disabled (web server on port 8083)
sudo systemctl stop z-way-server.service
sudo systemctl disable z-way-server.service

# reboot (and not just "sudo systemctl restart webthings-gateway.service")
sudo reboot

Step 4. Check running services state

After reboot, reconnect with ssh and check with :

sudo systemctl | grep way
# => z-way-server : should not be running (not displayed)
# => webthings-gateway.service : running
# => (ignore other displayed services)

Step 5. Set the z-wave network key

  1. Connect to your Webthings gateway with a browser, e.g. https://gateway.local or
  2. Choose menu Parameters > Addons.
  3. Find the “Z-Wave [arybitskiy]” addon and ensure it is active.
  4. Click its “Configure” button.
  5. Under networkKey field, type the Home id from step 1.2. in the correct format (0x12ee34ff should be written 0x12, 0xee, 0x34, 0xff). If you skipped step 1 I suppose you can enter whatever 16 bytes you want.
  6. Click on Apply.

Then, under the Things menu I found most of my z-wave devices. In my experience one needed factory resetting followed by inclusion.

Hope this help !