Assess Adding bouncing balls features code

link to the assessment:

link to my solution:

I have try the Adding bouncing ball features. I added some extra functionalities. Like add extra control with arrow keys to move the EvilCircle object diagonally and also adding time to show the game duration.
I will like you to assess my codes to check if the approach I took is ok, or if there should be a better way of doing it.
The link is shown here

the assessment link assessment link

Hi @iykeisunique! Welcome to the community, and thanks for sending in your code!

I must say well done — your code works perfectly, and all the requirements of the assessment have been met.

The diagonal controls also work fine. I’m not so sure about the timer though — I can see that you’ve got a <p> present to have the value inserted into, but that doesn’t seem to happen. Only a minor thing though.

Thanks @chrisdavidmills for the review. The time only show all the balls has been eaten up. Maybe I will change it to show as the game progress. Thanks once again.