Assessment in need for fundamental layout comprehension

Hello sir, here is the link for my attempted solution, A Pen by Cleo ( . Eagerly waiting for your assessment thanks .

Nice work, @Cleo_Shepsut!

I like how you went the extra mile with the different media queries to make it look good with all screen sizes. :heart_eyes:

Feature photo: Instead of using 10px padding on all sides and then moving it left and up, it would be better to just use

padding-right: 10px;
padding-bottom: 10px;

I hope that helps. :slightly_smiling_face:

Yeah sir, padding adjusted as you recommended. Thanks.

Nice improvements. The code looks cleaner now. :+1:

Hello sir, I am really sad, I can’t imagine that I can’t get even the first questions of all the exercises on the first topic of JavaScript right , no matter how hard I try. I really feel discourage. What should I do?

let finalResult;

let evenOddResult;

// Add your code here
const A =2;
const B= 6 ;
const C= 7 ;
const D= 1;

const A+B =E= 8;

const C-D = F = 6;

     E=8; F=6;

const finalResult= E*F;

const evenOddResult= 48 % 2

Still can’t get it right , why?

Hi @Cleo_Shepsut

Learning your first programming language is hard. But with the MDN learning material and a bit of help from me, I’m sure you will start understanding the topic and will have a lot of “Aha! moments”.

Let’s look at your code:
When we want to assign a value to a variable it’s always of the form

const (or let) <name of the variable> = <whatever we want to calculate>;

The first four line where you assign the single values are fine. In the next line we want to assign the sum of A and B to E. When we look at the pseudo code from above this should look like this:

const E = A + B;

This will save the value 8 into E, because A has the value 2 and B has the value 6. Now you can do the same for F just replace the plus with minus and change the variables on the right side to C and D.
The calculation of finalResult is correct and for evenOddResult if you replace the number 48 with finalResult it’s also correct. (Because the value 48 is saved in this variable.)

I hope that helps you understanding the topic a bit better. :slightly_smiling_face:

By the way: When you copy code into a post here you should use three backticks above an below the code to prevent it from getting formatted:

Your code
goes here

See you,

hello sir, after your explanation, it seems like I am understanding the questions better and doing what is required correctly. Please evaluate my work. Thanks.

maths task 1 A Pen by Cleo (
maths task 2 A Pen by Cleo (
maths task 3 A Pen by Cleo (

Wow! Yeah, it seems you now understand the topic much better.
These are all correct. :+1:

In task 2 you could also use the short form because result is on both sides:

/* long version (correct) */
result = result * result2;

/* short version (also correct) */
result *= result2;

The short version does two things:

  • Multiply the two values
  • Save the result into the left variable

Both versions are correct. It’s just another way of writing it.

Hello sir, I have used the other method you suggested, and it works. Thanks

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Hello sir , here are my attempts for, test your skills : strings

task 1 A Pen by Cleo (
task 2 A Pen by Cleo (
task 3 A Pen by Cleo (
task 4 A Pen by Cleo (

Eagerly waiting for your evaluation. Thanks

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Nice work, @Cleo_Shepsut!

Here are some remarks:

  • Task 1: :white_check_mark: Correct.
  • Task 2: :warning: Partly correct.
    • index should store the index of the substring.
    • Instead of the literal number 33 in the slice() method, the value should be calculated from index, the length of the substring and 1 (for the dot at the end).
  • Task 3: :white_check_mark: Correct. You can merge line 9 and 10 by directly assigning to fixedQuote (without using capitalized).
  • Task 4: :warning: Partly correct.
    • When we’re using placeholders like ${a}, we need to replace the single quotes (') of the string with backticks (`). This is called a template literal and will make sure the placeholders are getting replaced with the actual values of the variables.
    • Your first placeholder should just contain the variable name like this: ${theorem}.

Feel free to ask if my explanations aren’t clear enough :slightly_smiling_face:

See you,

Hello sir, I have done the corrections, and I am waiting for your evaluation. Thanks

Great improvements!

Everything is correct now. :+1:

Hello sir, here are my attempts for test your skill: Arrays

task 1 A Pen by Cleo (
task 2 A Pen by Cleo (
task 3 A Pen by Cleo (
task 4 A Pen by Cleo (

Eagerly waiting for your evaluation and remarks.

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Hi @Cleo_Shepsut

Nice work!

Here are my comments:

  • Task 1: :white_check_mark: Correct.
  • Task 2: :warning: Almost Correct. To being independent from the array length, you should work with arrayLength to find the lastItem.
  • Task 3: :white_check_mark: Correct. Since we need the index inside the loop, we could also use
myArray.forEach(function(element, index) {

to have access to the index.

  • Task 4: :white_check_mark: Correct.

See you,

Hello sir, i have done the correction for task 2 and used your suggested method for task 3 . Eagerly waiting for your remarks.

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Great improvements!

That was exactly what I meant. :+1: