Assessment needed for HTML Text Basics 1,2 and 3

Ahoy Everyone!
Please evaluate my work on these Assessment.

Here is the Link to the Assessment on MDN

Here are my solutions to the Assessment:

HTML Text Basic 1:

HTML Text Basic 2:

HTML Text Basic 3:

I am struggling with <em> and <strong> tag that where to use them. So please check my Text Basic 3 and Explain me what I can do more to improve these tags usage?

Hi @Akku_2002 and welcome to the community :wave:

Great work on your first exercise. Congratulations!

For my taste you overused the tags a bit in task 3. The <strong> tag on “music” and “friends” is fine and maybe one or two other words with <em>. Basically <strong> means something important and <em> would be used on words which you would emphasize when reading the sentence aloud. See also this short comparison:

General recommendation when using CodePen: Put the CSS (everything inside <style></style> into the middle panel. This way HTML and CSS (and later JS) are separated).

If you have any more questions, feel free to ask. :blush:

Have a nice weekend,

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Thank you very much sir for your kind words and suggestion on the usage of CodePen.
I have read more about <strong> and <em> through the Link that you have provided.Please let me know if you have more practice problems to solve on this topic.


I’m glad it was helpful.

I don’t know of any practice problems regarding these elements. If you haven’t done it, I recommend reading the whole pages on MDN about <em> and <strong> to get a better feeling when to use the elements. There are also some examples there.