Assessment wanted for "Assessment: Marking up a letter"

📝 Assessment wanted for “Marking up a letter”

Hello everyone! :wave:

I am following the MDN’s front-end developer pathway. On the final steps of the first module of HTML, at this checkpoint:

HTML > Introduction to HTML > Marking up a letter (Assessment)

Assessment page: Marking up a letter
My implementation: CodePen


  • Thank you so much for your review :sparkling_heart:
  • I have followed and completed the instructions of the test, and feel good about the result.
  • I want to know if there are points for improvement.

Have a nice day,
Diego :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi Diego

Well done on this. One thing I picked up was the markup of the quote at the end of the letter.

<blockquote> is generally used for extended quotation (see MDN), and does not add quotation marks. I think the more appropriate in this situation would have been using <q> instead such that your markup looks like

<p> University of Awesome motto: <q>Be awesome to each other.</q> -- <cite> The memoirs of Bill S Preston, <abbr title="Esquire">Esq</abbr></cite>


Thank you @vusithedev

You’re right, the best option in this case of use is using inline quotation with the next structure:

<p> Text: <q cite=""> Quote </q> — <cite> Resource <abbr title="Abbreviation extended"> Abbreviation </abbr></cite></p>

<p>University of Awesome motto: <q cite="">Be awesome to each other</q>. — <cite>The memoirs of Bill S Preston, <abbr title="Esquire">Esq</abbr></cite></p>

  • University of Awesome motto: Be awesome to each other. — The memoirs of Bill S Preston, Esq

I accept the blame. I used <blockquote> because it looked better in comparison.
It’s more of an artistic choice than a technical one.