Assessment wanted for Creating fancy letterheaded paper to see how I did

Hello! I’ve completed the “Creating fancy letterheaded paper” assessment and even though everything works I want to know if I did it the right way.

here’s codepen link:

task link:

Thank you and appologies for any grammatical mistakes, english is not my first language!

Hi @Noel_H and welcome to the community :wave:

No worries! Neither it’s my first language. As long as we understand each other everything is fine. :blush:

Great work on this exercise.

I have only two small remarks regarding the gradient:

  • To be on top of background images (as by task description) the gradient needs to be the first entry:
    background: linear-gradient(...),
                url(...) no-repeat top,
                url(...) no-repeat bottom;
  • The color stop rgba(0,0,0,0) 47% isn’t needed. It goes from white to white to white.

Have a nice day,

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