Assessment wanted for Links 1-3 skill test

I would like an assessment for skill test related to links.
My codes are:
Links 1
Links 2
Links 3
Thanks :smiley:


Hi there @ariful,

Thanks fore sending in your code examples. I’ve looked through them and has a few comments:

Your assessment 1 answer is perfect — well done on this one!

For assessment 2, the first link is fine. For the second link, the question says that the narwhal directory is one level above the current directory, so you need to travel up a level before going into the narwhal directory. The href attribute should therefore be like this: href="../narwhal/narwhal.jpg".

The third link is fine. For the fourth link, you could simplify the href to href="#bottom". This would make it work on any page, even if it is not called index.html.

For assessment 3, the warnings are really good, but you need to think about the fact that some users access links out of context (e.g. screenreader users pull up a list of just the links on the page and choose which one to go to), therefore it would be best to rewrite the sentences so the link text makes sense on its own, for example “work with Narwhals”, “email our support team”, “download our factfile”.

Overall, some good work here, well done!


Thanks a lot. This is really helpful. I will update it. Again thanks a lot for the feedback. Have a nice day.