Assessment wanted for Marking up a letter (b2m9)

Hi there :wave:

Would love to get some feedback on the MDN markup assignment. If you have time, your feedback is highly appreciated.


Hello @b2m9

you doing great

just little things

  1. wrap the first date inside the address no need to split it to another p element
  2. wrap dear Dear Eileen, in p element
  3. you missed to add abbr to BC

well done and have a nice day :slight_smile:

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Thanks @justsomeone for taking the time. Very much appreciated. :pray:

I was actually debating this with myself. Why would the date be part of the address. I see why you do it visually, but wouldn’t it semantically be wrong? I know, it’s a grey area but I’m interested in hearing your opinion.

Shoot! Good catch, thanks.

you are right i missed that :wink:
thanks and have a nice day :slight_smile:

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