Assessment Wanted for "Marking Up A Letter"

I’d love some feedback on this assessment, especially as it pertains to my code layout and readability.

As for style, It looks mostly right but I’m wondering why the element italicizes its contents, the example provided on the MDN page shows the addresses not emphasized.

My Code

Hi there!
My remarks:

  1. The names of the sender and receiver should be marked up with strong importance.
  2. “Dear Eileen” and the next paragraph are two different paragraphs, not one with a line break in between.
  3. “We are happy… as follows:” should be inside a paragraph
  4. After “in order of priority:” should be an ordered list
  5. PhD, BC and Esq should have abbreviation tooltips
  6. “The memoirs of Bill S Preston, Esq” should be cited, not emphasized

Thank you, that’s very helpful!, would you be able to explain the proper use of the <cite> element further? I’m not sure I entirely understand it.

It seems that it’s used both to reference a quote’s source (attribute inside the element wrapping the quoted text) as well as to stylize the source on the page.

Taking the Letter Markup example above, is it necessary to have two <cite> elements in the footer? One wrapping the quote itself referencing the source, and then a second wrapping the printed source to style it?

University of Awesome motto: <q cite=“The_memoirs_of_Bill_S_Preston”> Be awesome to each other.</q> – <cite>The memoirs of Bill S Preston, Esq</cite>

Is there a cleaner way to do this?

I agree it’s a bit ugly. The cite attribute should hold a URL to the information - and the browser doesn’t display it to the user, whereas the cite element holds the name of the original work and browsers italicize this information. If you want to show the link then you should wrap the cite element with an a element.
Read the cite element specification for a complete reference.