Hi there,
I was building the assessment for structuring a page of content in Introduction to HTML course.
I got stuck by font-family of h1 and h2 tag elements.
I followed the provided CSS file, however, it didn’t work by somehow.
Can you help me through my below Github link, please? https://github.com/christiesunnie/structuring-a-page
This is the link of the demo page so that you can compare what I haven’t done for my font-family heading:
you doing great
to make the font of your h1 and h2 as you like you have 2 option download the font file to your device or use webfont family like google
for example to use the Cinzel Decorative font
i found that on google font
then choose the style you like from there then click on select this style then click on Selected family on the upper right corner of the screen then embed
then copy the code and put it in the html file in the head element
or use the import and put the code in the css file
you will learn all of that when you start your trip in thee css