Assessment wanted for The Cascade-Task1 & 2

Hi all!

I hope you all are well and healthy.

Here there is a task of cascade for assessment.
The task assessment is:

My Glitch links are:

Thanks for assessment.
Have a nice day :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi @sarshas356

Task 1 is correct. For task 2 you added a new declaration, but we ask to “Edit an existing declaration”. Can you find out which line? (You won’t need !improtant)


Line1 of the stylesheet, if we change the order in which the layers are declared, the task is achieved. Yellow is remained as it is, green comes second and the last comes purple and in this way declared last one which is purple will win and “important” is not the requirement of the question.

This is little tricky and complicated.

Thanks for assessment and pointing out.

Have a nice day! :slightly_smiling_face:


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I have made corrections in the Glitch.


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Yes, this is correct :+1:

Indeed! It’s a new feature that just recently landed in all modern browsers. Because of its importance MDN decided to create this new task recently.

Good, thanks for assessment.


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