Prior to implementing a WebThings solution with a Rpi4 I looked at the AWS IOT functionality. Now that WebThings is running well at my house I can see some of the free tier functionality AWS offers would be nice to have. Sending limited device states to the cloud in certain conditions could be helpful. Particularly, a system “heartbeat” that could send a notification if WebThings loses connection. Also logging sensor states in certain conditions such as after the triggering of an initial security sensor in case the Rpi goes offline.
My focus is SMS texts as a messaging medium because I travel often to areas poorly served by cell reception. I’m using Twilio (small cost) now to send me SMS alerts but not very flexible. Using AWS’ IOT with Simple Notification Service (SNS) that cost could be avoided and I would get highly expanded notification functionality. Has an AWS IOT addon been discussed? Are there any other addons/services I should look at to provide system heartbeat logging/notification and other optional cloud logging via WebThings rules?
Thanks in advance.