I’m getting the following error when trying to build libspeech.so and generate_trie:
INFO: Build options --copt and --define have changed, discarding analysis cache.
ERROR: /home/william/speech/deepspeech/tensorflow/native_client/BUILD:68:1: no such target '//tensorflow:darwin': target 'darwin' not declared in package 'tensorflow' defined by /home/william/speech/deepspeech/tensorflow/tensorflow/BUILD and referenced by '//native_client:libdeepspeech.so'
ERROR: Analysis of target '//native_client:libdeepspeech.so' failed; build aborted: no such target '//tensorflow:darwin': target 'darwin' not declared in package 'tensorflow' defined by /home/william/speech/deepspeech/tensorflow/tensorflow/BUILD
INFO: Elapsed time: 0.432s
INFO: 0 processes.
FAILED: Build did NOT complete successfully (0 packages loaded, 208 targets configured)
I followed the steps from here. I’m using tensorflow 1.14.0 from the mozilla tensorflow repo and bazel release 0.24.1. I ran ./configure in the tensorflow folder without any issue (chose the recommended options). I created the symbolic link to native_client in the tensorflow folder.
I’m trying to output more transcriptions (top-ten) by changing the top_paths
in ctc_beam_search_decoder.cpp file. But this (at least currently) requires a re-compile of the native_client source.