Can I submit a lower xpi version for review?

I have an add on under visibility:Unlisted. I recently uploaded a higher version xpi and it got fully reviewed. Can I upload a lower version xpi again for review? Will there be any side effects due to that?

It will be rejected

New uploads must have a higher version number than the previously uploaded versions otherwise those files do not propagate across our mirror network correctly, and many users will receive the old version, which they will be unable to install due to checksum mismatches.

Thanks for your reply. I tried uploading in the meantime and it got approved, Since it is unlisted and we will be deploying only through side loading, will the mirroring & checksum impact this? I hope unlisted extensions wont get updated through browser. If I am wrong please correct me

I think so… I may be OK as an unlisted since AMO wont be serving the update AFAIK.

Thank you!