Cant view response with content-encoding: zstd

Network panel in Developer console does not decode zstd-encoded responses. For example, I debug Instagram website. There are a lot of request to graphql. Responses are content-type: text/javascript; charset=utf-8 with content-encoding: zstd.

And now I can’t view response body because it is not decoded.

2024-06-11 23.50.16 screenshot

Earlier instagram used br and even gzip encdoding and everything was readable as json object.

To test it, open and check POST requests to

Mozilla Firefox 126.0.1 (64-bit) / from Linux Mint main repo

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Temporary solution: disable support of zstd-encoding(remove zstd):
about:config -> = gzip, deflate, br.
Also you can downgrade from 126 version.

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