May 16, 2020, 10:58pm
I found a few topics dating back to 2016, about an extension called ‘foxified’, that allegedly let firefox install chrome extensions into firefox;
The extension is no longer there and I did not want to necro the topic. so is there a magic spell to convert a chrome extension into Firefox ?
I should mention I can’t tell the difference between a line of code and a phone number.
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(Sylvain Giroux)
May 17, 2020, 1:43am
Sometimes, converting a webextension from Chrome to Firefox is easy.
Documentation on that can be found at https://extensionworkshop.com/documentation/develop/porting-a-google-chrome-extension/
The best “Magic spell” I can suggest is https://www.extensiontest.com/ where it will tell you if your chrome crx file is compatible with Firefox (or what need to be changed).
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