Console for Firefox Quantum Android


Is there a console add-on for Firefox Quantum for Android?
I had an add-on, that gave me a simple console (named ‘Console’) on the Firefox version before, but it does not work anymore. Though it was only a simple console to look at bugs and to use console.log() that get put out into the Console.

I could really use this, since I am developing websites on my transformer tablet. Though I know there is no such thing as Developer Tools for the Firefox Android, a console for Debugging would be a great help.
You can use WebIDE and connect by USB your Firefox Android to your Firefox Desktop.

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Thank you so much for your fast answer!

Though this is not what I want. I want to be able to use ONLY the tablet. It is basically a small laptop itself (keybord, screen not huge but large enough, with external drive enough space), so I want to use it as such.

I thought already about throwing Android and using a lightweight Linux version like Mint on it, but I do not know if this can actually work.

Sorry, I don’t know any WebExtension addon for Android which does what you want :confused: I am using WebIDE and this is the best solution.