Council meeting Notes - 2018-04-25

Hello Reps,

Here is the update from this week’s Reps Council Meeting based on the Reps OKRs:

Ankit has been working on the role definitions and his draft is currently been reviewed by the Council. Flore worked on the theme of Mentor-Mentee discussions and her proposal is dependent on Ankit’s draft. Alex and Faye were not able to join the meeting and were excused. Daniele’s onboarding proposal is currently under consideration of Konstantina and Rubin and needs some final work. Prathamesh is working on the newsletter and the applications to join the Newsletter Team are closed and the Council would be voting for the new team this week. Mayur has completed the activities OKR and the Reps portal has been updated accordingly.

The other updates include :

  • Prathamesh is currently working on the Mozilla Reps logo which would be based on the new guidelines with the Branding Team.
  • The Reps Dev group is now active on Slack as well as Telegram.
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