Created a model for Hindi,
after training my data, at the test steps i get an error
I Restored variables from best validation checkpoint at
hindi_checkpoint/best_dev-90, step 90
Testing model on data/test/test.csv
Test epoch | Steps: 0 | Elapsed Time: 0:00:00
Fatal Python error: Segmentation fault
What could be the problem?
((slow to reply) [NOT PROVIDING SUPPORT])
Without more context, itтАЩs going to be hard тАж How have you setup things ?
I had a similar crash, resolved by re-creating the virtualenv from scratch тАж
Well, recorded few audios of mine and prepared the datasets.
step 1: prepared datasets, vocabs, alphabet.txt created arpa and then lm.bianry with hindi vocabs using kenlm
step 2: using native client bazel build created trie file using lm.binary
step 3: cloned deepspeech and gitcheckout 0.5.1
placed my trie and binary into data/lm/
running , but after training i am getting segment error at testing steps:
is it because of low data in test?
((slow to reply) [NOT PROVIDING SUPPORT])
Unlikely. You have not documented anything on how you did setup virtualenv тАж Did you read my reply ?
Started from scratch creating venv. again same error
((slow to reply) [NOT PROVIDING SUPPORT])
Well, sorry, but with so much details, I donтАЩt even can try to reproduce тАж
((slow to reply) [NOT PROVIDING SUPPORT])
@cryptoaimdy Seriously, I would like to help you, but you keep continuously not sharing your complete STR. This is making both of us loose valuable time. So once again, share detailed and complete STR of everything you do to reproduce the issue. And try to reproduce with our default data (LDC93S1, english model and LM and alphabet, our native client build), to make sure this is not something from there.
There are 10+ variables here in play, we canтАЩt do divination from a single segfault.
As you suggested i started from scratch setting up venv.
According to me i think the problem was a version mismatch(binary version and DeepSpeech version). because earlier i created the lm binary and trie without using virtual env and deepspeech i was running using venv. so looks like a version mismatch.
((slow to reply) [NOT PROVIDING SUPPORT])
Right, thanks, at least it confirms my first assumption. Glad to see it is working now.
But, for hindi my src " " part is not accurate. while testing the src is having sentences other than my original test.csv, the sentence in src is not making even sence. its kind of тАШabcsdksbfdfaтАЩ(hindi language abcd)