@r_oVhPfcJCUUC5wbm6i4_C2Q me gustaría proponer en Mozilla Colombia la migración de la lista de correo este discourse (matar la lista y traer la gente) pero quiero saber si es posible hacer una migración “transparente” donde yo te pase la lista de correos de gente que está en la lista y tu los inscribas aquí y que queden siguiendo una categoría Mozillians/Colombia.
Creer una lista por Colombia es possible pero no creo que es possible hacer una migracion por el gente inscribas en mailinglist. Creo que necessites invitarlos seperamente.
It’s definitely not impossible, but I haven’t heard of a solution which currently exists. The question is: is making a plugin (or script) to import mailman content (which would take a lot of effort) worth what one gets out of it?
In Portland for CLS I met some people who had switched to Discourse for similar use cases as Mozilla. I’ll ask them to look in on this thread and see if they have insights. I am not sure if they also moved from mailman.
And I agree that importing may or may not be the right solution. I think it may depend on the list. Certainly we would need to solve the problem where someone is trying to find an old conversation. If they don’t have it in their email client, how do they find it? That might be a question with an easier answer than to import the archives.