Deploying a personal instance of Kuma

Howdy! I’ve managed get a local version of Kuma up and running on my machine, using your documentation. Which is awesome, given I’m a complete novice with the likes of Docker, and not super confident with terminal commands.

What I’m currently struggling to work out is where I go from here: how I’d actually go about deploying my own sandboxed version of Kuma onto the web. (I gather that you’re in the process of transitioning to Docker containers for deployment?)

If anyone might be able to point me in the right direction, I’d be very grateful!

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@mosmi, congrats on getting a development copy of Kuma running! While you’re allowed to deploy a website based on Kuma (hooray for open source!), the MDN staff doesn’t support it. We have a hard enough time keeping running, and don’t have the resources to support Kuma as an engine for other websites. If we were making a general-purpose wiki engine, we’d do it differently.

You may be interested in the mozmeao/infra repository. This is where the infrastructure documentation and code is located. We’re currently deploying as Docker containers to AWS using Kubernetes, and most of the details are in this repository.

Some starting places:

There’s some additional “secret” settings, such as database connection strings, which you can’t find in the infra repository but that would be different for your own deployment anyway.

This is probably overwhelming, and “Learn Kubernetes” may be a hard first step. You may be able make some progress with Heroku, which uses similar deployment concepts to Kubernetes, such as configuration from the environment, and will make it easier to provision the backing services like a MySQL database.