Unable to load DLL ‘libdeepspeech.so’: Exception from HRESULT: 0xC000001D.
Could you help us?
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Not really, unless you share more informations.
Like which example?
What does Exception from HRESULT: 0xC000001D means?
Have you verified the library is indeed here?
Maybe you need to configure some path?
You say “Visual Studio Debug”, is it trying to load some debug symbols we don’t have?
We downloaded the source code from that link and run (i.e. debug) the sample application in Visual Studio, it throws that error. I reinstall the library manually from Nuget package but problem remain the same.
Do I need to do anything else to check the sample example?
iXtoll Ltd
Suite 702, Shanghai Industrial Investment Building,
48 Hennessy Road,
Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Ph. +852 2524 1199
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We are not your paid support
You have been provided several actionable items to help understand the situation, there’s no point in asking more until you address those.
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Have you tried running non debug? You insist on that, it’s unclear if you tried running non-debug and it worked or not …
I used 32 bit computer as daily driver which I could not get it. I was not aware that It need 64bit. Once you mentioned it, I try on another machine that is 64bit OS, and it works.
iXtoll Ltd
Suite 702, Shanghai Industrial Investment Building,
48 Hennessy Road,
Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Ph. +852 2524 1199
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This is explicitely documented in deepspeech’s docs, please read them.
I am getting the same error for Deepspeech.WPF sample and UWP one
I manually added the deepspeech-0.9.3-models.pbmm to the bin folder but now the sample is complaining about “libdeepspeech.so”
Could someone please guide me to where should i get it without bulding the binaries myself? Also, do i need to install the prerequisites if i am not going to train the machine?