Does js-XPCOM will be deperacated in the future too?

As new add-on development API WebExtension is under development, the legacy add-on development tech (XUL+XPCOM) will be deprecated. But still there are some document talk about the js-XPCOM. Does this means the XPCOM implement by JavaScript will still works on the multiprocess Firefox? Is there a clean dead line for stopping support the XUL+XPCOM? Thanks.

Currently there is no clear deadline. The blog announcing the change said it would be 12-18 months until WE is out, and I doubt they’ll get rid of XUL before then. Given the long rollout of signing and e10s I think it’ll be longer. I would suggest to start to convert by switching to an SDK based addon now, until WE is stable and fully developed.

Thank you arenlor. BTW, what’s the e10s represent for? If the XUL and XPCOM will deprecated why mozilla doesn’t mark these technology as obsoleted in the wiki and document page, that would be more clearly to the developers.

e10s is multiprocess. I use e10s because electrolysis just causes more confusion.

The XUL and XPCOM aren’t even deprecated yet, so they aren’t obsolete yet. Given the fight against it, there’s even a tiny chance they may revert and keep it, but that’s unlikely.

Thank you and got it. :^D

Ya I think that’s unlikely but what i think is more likely is 1-to-1 servo equivlaents due to all the user feedback. They just took our request to push out signed addons so thats awesome i think we have hope for xpcom 1-to-1 equivalent. Not for xul though i hope that sucker dies. :stuck_out_tongue: jk jk i put so much work into it i love it cuz im pretty decent with it now, buttt WebComponents man its the way to go.