Empty util/ folder

Hey Team,
Fantastic job. I was long waiting for 0.7 (didn’t get 0.6 to production).
Just pulled the repo & I see that 0.7 doesn’t have files inside utils folder except the “taskcluster.py” file. Is this by design or is there some issue? (The github master branch has nothing but “taskcluster.py” file inside util/ folder).

Earlier I used a couple of these utility files.
Looking forward to hearing from you all.
Kudos again team.

The training code is now packaged into a deepspeech_training package. So you just follow the training setup docs and then use from deepspeech_training.util.AAA import BBB and use it. See https://deepspeech.readthedocs.io/en/v0.7.0/TRAINING.html

May be this utils are in other folder

There is mistake in

Training a model

The central (Python) script is DeepSpeech.py in the project’s root directory. For its list of command line options, you can call:

./DeepSpeech.py --helpfull

To get the output of this in a slightly better-formatted way, you can also look up the option definitions in util/flags.py.

The last ref is wrong.

DeepSpeech/training/deepspeech_training/ util /

Yes, but they should not be used by cd-ing into that folder. Just installing the training package is enough. We even document installation in editable mode so that one can edit the source and run the modified version without needing to reinstall.

Awesome. I shall check them. You all are awesome…!!