Error: There is a JavaScript syntax error in your code; validation cannot continue on this file


I am trying to upload an extension and getting this error:

Error: There is a JavaScript syntax error in your code; validation cannot continue on this file.
node_modules/popper.js/dist/popper-utils.min.js line 4 column 9049

I am using bootstrap 4 in the extension which requires and apparently this particular library triggers the error.

Any idea ?

Hi twisted1919 welcome to the forum

Well, the “min” version isn’t going to be easy to debug. I think if you try putting it together using the unminified version during development you’ll have a much better go at it.

@Mittineague - fair enough, the addons-linter says:

Code              Message                   Description                                                                                 File                                               Line   Column
JS_SYNTAX_ERROR   JavaScript syntax error   There is a JavaScript syntax error in your code; validation cannot continue on this file.   node_modules/popper.js/dist/popper-utils.js        1040   1     
JS_SYNTAX_ERROR   JavaScript syntax error   There is a JavaScript syntax error in your code; validation cannot continue on this file.   node_modules/popper.js/dist/popper.js              2371   1 

And looking at those lines, i can see things such as:

// node_modules/popper.js/dist/popper-utils.js        1040
export { computeAutoPlacement, debounce, findIndex, getBordersSize, getBoundaries, getBoundingClientRect, getClientRect, getOffsetParent, getOffsetRect, getOffsetRectRelativeToArbitraryNode, getOuterSizes, getParentNode, getPopperOffsets, getReferenceOffsets, getScroll, getScrollParent, getStyleComputedProperty, getSupportedPropertyName, getWindowSizes, isFixed, isFunction, isModifierEnabled, isModifierRequired, isNumeric, removeEventListeners, runModifiers, setAttributes, setStyles, setupEventListeners };

// node_modules/popper.js/dist/popper.js              2371
export default Popper;

I was under the impression this is valid javascript… so where do i go with this ?

Hmmm, I’m not seeing an obvious syntax error with line 1040. But it looks like line 2371 might need curly braces. eg.

export default Popper {}


export { Popper as default }; 

IMHO, hacking someone elses code is less than ideal. Have you contacted the Popper devs?

This is obviously an es module (and so is the export syntax) for which support has only just landed in the linter and will take a bit of time to arrive on AMO (like a week, probably, not sure).

Further you’d have to load the file as es module in your code using import. If that’s not how you want to use it, you’d have to find a non-es module version. Though I assume the .min.js is actually a non-es module version.

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@Mittineague - Thanks for the update. Popper is used by BS4 and it works just fine in dev so i highly doubt there’s an issue with it. I could contact the devs, but really, since it works just fine for bs4 i don’t think i have something to tell them…

@freaktechnik - the linter complaints about the min version too, i don’t think it’s a “usage” issue but rather the linter might not understand the syntax and it bails out.

So i guess i’d just have to wait for the linter to support this ?

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