I’ve tried to compile the libdeepspeech.so & generate_trie with different versions of bazel and also cloning different versions of tensorflow from mozilla i.e r1.14,1.1.3,1.12 for building the android app for the DeepSpeech but I’m getting error even after trying.
I’ve read the documentation of the github repository and followed the steps exactly.Can somone plz help me out.
After this very command I get error :
I’ve a doubt that do we have install the other dependencies like tensorflow,bazel n others…
I’ve directly imported the project to android studio and currently I’m getting the error :
ERROR: Cause: executing external native build for cmake /home/sanil/DeepSpeechApp/native_client/java/libdeepspeech/CMakeLists.txt
Can you please help me out with this
((slow to reply) [NOT PROVIDING SUPPORT])
Why don’t you first answer my questions ? It’s all documented how to make use of the published Android AAR library.
Also, you don’t share enough details, so we can’t help you.
This is the title of the read file of native-client folder : Building DeepSpeech Binaries
Thats why I thought we have to rebuild them…
I’m sorry I didn’t answer you question.
((slow to reply) [NOT PROVIDING SUPPORT])
I’m actually trying to build an android app…so I imported the java folder in the native -client to android studio.
When the project gets build I set the NDK as well as the SDK version.
but then I’m getting the error in the build section that I posted above.
I read the documentation. How do I execute this command :
bazel build --workspace_status_command=“bash native_client/bazel_workspace_status_cmd.sh” --config=monolithic --config=android --config=android_arm --define=runtime=tflite --action_env ANDROID_NDK_API_LEVEL=21 --cxxopt=-std=c++11 --copt=-D_GLIBCXX_USE_C99 //native_client:libdeepspeech.so