Issue with building DeepSpeech binaries v0.5.1


I’m having trouble building v0.5.1 native_client/generate_trie.

My goal is to create trie file for my model. So, as I see I need to run the generate_trie command from created our own binary from this link -->

./generate_trie …/data/alphabet.txt /tmp/lm.binary /tmp/trie

  • Linux debian testing amd64
  • bazel: 0.21.0
  • deepspeech repo: (HEAD, tag: v0.5.1 )
  • tensorflow: commit:( origin/r1.13 )

I am following the steps:

git clone
git checkout origin/r1.13
ln -s ../DeepSpeech0.5.1/native_client ./ (I am using DeepSpeech 0.5.1)
bazel build --workspace_status_command="bash native_client/" --config=monolithic -c opt --copt=-O3 --copt="-D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=0" --copt=-fvisibility=hidden // //native_client:generate_trie

I am getting the following error

Starting local Bazel server and connecting to it…
INFO: Invocation ID: e766cc2b-36a8-4d12-834d-d1872814c0ee
INFO: Analysed 2 targets (75 packages loaded, 5330 targets configured).
INFO: Found 2 targets…
ERROR: Process exited with status 128: Process exited with status 128
++ git describe --long --tags

  • tf_git_rev=v1.13.1-13-g174b476
  • echo ‘STABLE_TF_GIT_VERSION v1.13.1-13-g174b476’
  • pushd native_client
    ++ git describe --long --tags
    fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
  • ds_git_rev=
    STABLE_TF_GIT_VERSION v1.13.1-13-g174b476
    ~/Downloads/backup/tensorflow/native_client ~/Downloads/backup/tensorflow
    INFO: Elapsed time: 32.036s, Critical Path: 5.89s
    INFO: 0 processes.
    FAILED: Build did NOT complete successfully

Please help

Did you clone the DeepSpeech git repository? If you just download it then it won’t work properly because it relies on there being a .git directory containing version information.

I have download as from the github release page,

Could you please share me the clone link for deepspeech 0 5…

There is no such thing as “clone link”, read your git manual: git clone and then git checkout v0.5.1

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