Just wanted to check that our add on update wasn’t in purgatory, because it has only moved one spot in the queue in the last 3 days. Seemed like the weekly status had things moving pretty quickly.
It’s a pretty small extension and it would be great to be able to post about the update (the current version is badly broken and the Chrome update has already uploaded).
Following on: Is there a way for me to have an add-on update available through a link while it is undergoing review for being publicly listed? What’s the normal process for getting an update out quickly if the version currently on AMO has broken? It looks like @erosman originally reviewed my add-on.
Uh oh. I just tried signing my extension with web-ext and it moved me to the last position in the queue! @erosman could you assist? The web-ext sign command even returned an error and the submitted version no longer shows up in the version history.
@jorgev I ran web-ext build and web-ext sign. It returned an error (if I recall correctly) that my extension could not be signed due to something like a difference with my system clock.
I later looked at the review queue and the version of my extension up for review changed from v1.2.1 (which I had uploaded manually through the AMO interface) to v1.2.2 (which I didn’t and had locally). This removed v1.2.1 from the queue (which was in position 20), and moved me to the back of the queue with v1.2.2.