All of a sudden, Most of my extensions have become automatically disabled in Firefox 43. When I go to the extensions list, there is a red alert message saying they could not be verified. Among these are official extensions by Adobe, Kaspersky and LastPass. They were working fine yesterday - what changed? When I click the “more” options, all I get is a place to check for updates from those extensions, but I’m sure 8 extensions didn’t all become outdated at the same exact time.
I’m in Windows 10.
Firefox is unusable for me in this condition, I switched from Chrome a while back for issues like this, looks like I have to go back to Chrome if I can’t get this resolved right away. I’d appreciate any suggestions on how to resolve…thank you!!
One more update: I just reinstalled the Firefox (64 bit) - now all but one of those “disabled” extensions are gone completely from the list.
Furthermore, I just checked my laptop where I also use Firefox/Win 10, and some of the same extensions are working fine (no red alert message)…although one - the Adobe Acrobat CC extension gives me a yellow alert to proceed with caution.
Have just had same thing: Firefox crashed, updated on re-start, and following now unverified, with details as below: Logitech Device Detection (disabled)
by Logitech Inc.
Automatic Updates X Default O On O Off
Last Updated 26 June 2012
Homepage http//
**Norton Identity Safe 2015 5.6.76 (disabled) **
by Symantec Corporation
Norton Identity Safe Addon for Firefox
Last Updated 14 November 2015
PDF Converter 7.1 1.0 (disabled)
by Nuance Communications Inc.
Last updated 14 June 2014
Trouble is, I do not know what these Addons do, how important they are, or why they can no longer be verified. Could someone explain please what action I should take? Thank you
You probably upgraded to 43. In 43, Firefox requires every add-on to be digitally signed by Mozilla, I am sorry it might create inconveniences in the short run, but in the long run it will help us identifying and blocking malware and keep users safe. You should contact the developers of your disabled add-ons and ask them to submit a version for signing to Mozilla.
Are you talking about extensions or plugins now? Plugins are not supported in 64bit Firefox, by design. If you are talking about extensions, I don’t know what’s going on, it sounds like it created a new Firefox profile.
I suggest contacting the developers of those add-ons or consult their support forums to find out what exactly they do and whether you need them or not.
Yes, I did upgrade to Firefox-43. Then I immediately downgraded to 42. This is absolute B.S. If it won’t allow me to use the extensions I use to guard my on-line privacy , then I am through with Firefox. I know what extensions I can trust. That’s why I started using Linux in the first place.
I have been with Firefox since its “Phoenix” days. I’ll keep using Firefox-42 until it stops working, but after that I’m done. I’ll be looking for another browser. I would expect crap like this from Macrosux. I might as well install Win-doesn’t and use Internet Expl-horror. You’re getting to be every bit as bad as Macrosux anyway.
I’m having the same problems as the previous reporters. I have financially supported Firefox to now not be able to use my Extensions. I can’t Pin to Pinterest or Clip recipes to Yumprint end RewardU from UPromise. This is so disappointing. I refreshed and then my list of disabled extensions are gone. Now I have to go to Internet Explorer Chrome to get what I use most.
Ok, I get the new update requires the add-ons to be verified, but what is the deal when an add-on directly from Firefox’s own add-on site is marked as signed and verified, but continues to be disabled and deleted every time I restart Firefox??? The current one in question is the Yahoo Toolbar.
Many have the same report… It Looks like they had some plan to make us use something different ?
One of the main reason i stuck with Firefox… guess its time to move on…
I am truly disappointed in Firefox now. First, I kept constantly getting messages that plug-ins stopped working, which kept freezing my browser and/or computer and forcing reboots. Now the Yahoo Toolbar that I relied so heavily on for links to popular places like eBay and Facebook is gone, and there’s some BS about needing to have the plug-in “signed” or update to the latest version before Firefox will accept it. So I tried re-downloading the most recent version, only to have Firefox reject it completely, just because it does not meet Firefox’s new rules. Is Firefox trying to monopolize plug-ins now, forcing us to use only the ones created or accepted by Firefox? I am definitely NOT happy. This is forcing me to look for a new browser that won’t block plug-ins that -I- want to use. While I can certainly understand the need for strong internet security, this goes way beyond all reason and has created too many frustrating issues. You are going to lose a LOT of users over this. I suggest you figure out something better FAST. Even when Firefox gave me the option to “Allow” the Yahoo Toolbar, as soon as I tried to download it, Firefox blocked it and said that it was “not allowed.” Do we no longer have control over what we do and do not want on our own computers?
I am having the same issue, been using Firefox for years, always satisfied…sorry but if the only solution is to contact every developer and ask them for a digitally signed version…I have better things to do, especially when it has blocked Avast Antivirus amongst others, that I know for a fact are from a trusted source. Why should it be the users responsibility to fix what was a perfectly running browser, after spending a few hours already trying to figure out what the problem was in the first place.
If the Extensions were working without a problem in the previous version, then it should be able to continue using them in the next version without a problem, or at least be given the option to choose whether to continue using them…I had Firefox on automatic updates and am now looking how to go back to a previous version…which is just taking up even more time.
I have been using Firefox for over 15 years, have tons of bookmarks here, but always use MyYahoo as my main page and had installed the Yahoo Toolbar. I upgraded Firefox and you JERKS have taken away my Yahoo Toolbar, where I have kept thousands of bookmarks over the last 15 years…now I am supposed to go to my MyYahoo page every time I want a bookmark? I had my toolbar set up with all my favorite things that I use…AND YOU DISABLED IT…WITHOUT MY PERMISSION! I am supposed to reinstall it at my own risk and only if I am am a qualified engineer??? Sleazy move, Firefox. write my email and give me back my toolbar on Monday, or I go looking for a new browser. You have lost me as a fan…
Seems like this is a fad anymore like with MicroSucks and win10 and how it’s going to take your system over. Now
mozilla is trying to be like big brother. To take care of that I’ve been well ahead of that with Mint a Linux distro for years.
But… Being that FF is the default browser with Mint presents a small problem. Small problem indeed. With that I went
with Pale Moon. Pale Moon being like what ff used to be. Light, fast and you have control. Until these Subaru drivers stop
trying to tell you they like Dad and Mom knows what’s better for you and what add-ons you should and not use. It’s not
I have the same problem since I updated to Firefox 43. I’ve used Firefox since several years ago, but now I’m seriously thinking in change to Internet Explorer or Chrome - which I wouldn’t be very happy with - . I like the Yahoo Toolbar, because there I access quickly to my favorite sites, like Twitter, Facebook, my mail, etc, but every time I try to install it, Firefox disables it. Yahoo Toolbar is verified, then is incomprehensible why Firefox is doing this. Very disappointing!
Andreas Wagner, i am sorry to be honest but this is complete distaster. OK, i am not saying signing is completely bad, if you provide some reasonable way for addons to get signed IN NORMAL TIMEFRAME. I have requested preliminary review in November, and extension is until now in queve, moved from 100 to about 50. In chrome, getting signed is just much more simple and straightforward. Lot of my customers depend on the disabled extension and all i can say them now is ‘sorry’…
I am forced now to look for possible cracks of firefox to remove this BS, so i can recommend my customers crack firefox, downgrade it or just go to chrome.
I recommend you contact Yahoo directly. They have not submitted a version to us so we could sign it.
We know about the backlog. We are working actively to reduce it, we even hired more people to work on it. It just takes a bit more time. What is your add-on?
This is the extension in question: What i am also worried is, that after that long wait, there will be eventually some little problem to fix, which will result in need of waiting to wait same queue once again…
Cool Previews worked great yesterday and is not supported as of today. It is one of the best add-ons, I used it all of the time, It’s disappointing that great add-ons get taken away and yet worthless ones are always available
Sorry, but that is not an acceptable answer to me. Why have I to do your work? Until Firefox 42, Yahoo Toolbar was verified ( not for me ), but now, suddenly, is not? It think this a total disrespect with Firefox users.