Hello. We have problems with publishing our extension in firefox. Discussion about publishing new version of extension in FF: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/developers/addon/shop-and-give-reminder/versions
Rejected by Philipp Kewisch about a month ago This version didn’t pass review because of the following problems: 1) The use of analytics such as Google Analytics requires an opt-in and must also be mentioned in your privacy policy. 2) You seem to be using the AddonsFramework, but I cannot find the typical files for this add-on that match our checksums. When using the framework, please make sure to include the required support files unmodified. 3) Please keep your manifest file unminified, or follow the procedures at https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Add-ons/Source_Code_Submission
We answered next:
Hello Philipp Kewisch! 1. How we could fix this issue, and why we should declare this in our privacy policy? We have a bunch of clients and we had no this problem before. Are there some requirement? where we could read about this? We never heard about it. 2. This issue was because was published older version of AddonsFramework and we use an updated already, however there is an issue with publishing the new version of AddonsFramework, because lawyers. So what should we do in this case? 3. Okay, we will attach unminified manifest file. However it’s a first time when it is an issue! usually, codereviewers are able to unminified manifest by themself. P.S. Is it possible to get your direct email, it will accelerate publishing process.
And we are still waiting for some reply (more than 20 days). Please could you answer our questions or let us Philipp’s contact? We tried to call your office, but your phone is always on autoresponer.
Thank you, Alex.