Firefox for iOS looking for Reps Beta Testers

Hello folks!

As you may know, Firefox is now available for iOS in certain countries. The Firefox for iOS team is looking for beta testers to help them test new versions the app.

If you have an iOS device and would like to help, please fill out this form:

By participating in this program, you’re agreeing to download the iOS beta testing program (TestFlight: and download a new version of Firefox for iOS each week.

The Firefox for iOS team will reach out to you with instructions and other details on how to participate in the program.



Hello Regnard,

first I apologize if errors occur to the English.

A long time I’m waiting to the to test Firefox for iOS, not just me, but much of the Mozilla community Brazil.

Already I completed the form and I’m awaiting to the news.

I really want to try, thank you.

Jaime Maretoli

Thanks @regnard :slight_smile:


Great! The Firefox for iOS will send you an invite soon. Please install TestFlight on your device.

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No problem, Robby! Hope you like Dallas. :smiley:

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registration done :slight_smile:

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Hi @regnard can we throwing in comments regarding firefox for ios here? or is there any other better place?

Hi there!

Registration done! :smile:


Hi guys,

I’ve registered. How do I comment on the app? I think I have issue worth reporting…

Hi ,
I have istalled the testflight and Mozilla in the ipad . Can u please let me know , where i can find the test cases .


@regnard , I accidentally deleted the test flight previously installed before i can start testing . Can u please resend me the invitation . I have filled the registration form again .
Preethi Dhinesh

Lately, i tap many times on Firefox on my iPhone, but it won’t open…

Hi! I think the best person to reach for comments is Stefan Arentz. PM me, I will send you his email address

PM me, I will email you Stefan’s email address. Thanks!