(Konstantina Papadea)
Thursday September 17th, 15:00 UTC
Check the agenda and please add your own topics as well if you have something to share with us.
AirMozilla video
Weekly call details:
- Firefox for iOS
- Community dashboard
- Future events
- Firefox OS projects
and don’t forget to share your love with a shout out 
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(Chiorean Ioana)
Raw meeting notes here ( after migration).
- Hi my name is Irvin and I’m from Taiwan, cooling.
- Konstantina from summer is still here Greece
- I’m Anis from Bangladesh
- I’m Guillermo, almost on spring
- Elio from the way too hot Tirana, Albania
- I am Belayet from Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- biraj from india
- Hi I am Francisco from Madrid
- I am Ankit fro India
- Ioana. Sick Ioana from Romania
- Michael from sunny Switzerland
- Rosana from Berlin (with a beautiful voice, but a cold, don’t believe Konstantina)
- Hi my name is Mahay Alam Khan, and I am from Bangladesh and it’s hot here.
- I am JB from Uganda
- I am Ashickur Rahman from Bangladesh.
- Kensie from Toronto, Canada
- San James from Uganda
- Diwanshi from India
Shout outs!
- Giovanny Gongora, for all his amazing work in Colombia (firefox OS app hackathons and a lot more)
- Ganesh and the amazing Mauritius team for the work with firefox OS launch and promotion in their country
- Albanian community for leading the mozilla academy initiative
- Diwanshi Pandey has been working with Womoz in India to train them in Privacy and Security Contributions and a Teaching Kit.
- Mozilla Bangladesh community doing amazing jobs to spread and demonstrate Webmaker for Android in Bangladesh Internet Week.
TOPIC 1 - Firefox for iOS Maria Popovaplease
TOPIC 2 - Community Dashboard Rosana and Konstantina
TOPIC 3 - Future (featured) Events (Franc) 5 min
- Software Freedom Day (Several localtions), 19th - Cambodia, Mumbai, Lille, Utrecht, Tijuana, Taipei, Cameroon, Novo Hamburgo (Brazil)
European Heritage Day (Paris, France), 19th-20th
Rust Language with Node (Armenia, Colombia), 21st
Firefox OS Workshop / Demo (Lagos, Nigeria), 23rd
Firefox OS Meetup (Madrid, Spain), 24th
TOPIC 4 - Help me with my project!
- Kensie - Fan The Flames - - Community forum for Firefox OS enthusiasts, need people to post replies and new topics!
TOPIC 5 - What we’re working on in Council ( Ankit )
- Budget SOP - Draft done - will be up soon
- Budget Training
- Reps budget requests are more effectively reviewed
- Training opportunity
- Discussions on where the Reps program
- ROM August blog post delayed - will be up soon
TOPIC 6 - Open Space Discussions (Elio is moderating)
Subject : We’ve opened a discourse topic asking Reps on how we can handle this space better