Firefox theme corrupted

Hey guy! I’m having some issues installing some themes which I created using firefox color. I create new themes and save them as .xpi format but when I try to install them, firefox says that theme is corrupted.
I don’t know why is this happening.
For your information:

  1. I’m using the latest firefox browser.
  2. I already saw this solution: Not loading or adding jpegs in Firefox Color
  3. I’m not using any images in my themes.
  4. I also tried to change the manifest.json to recreate and save that in .xpi format

I hope these information is enough to find the problem. Please help me out.
Thanks in advance

Sorry. I found the solution.

Just go to this link:

Then customize the theme and submit them for yourself (immediate activation) or for public (takes time to review).

You could just use firefox color to see the effect working. But don’t use it for theme making directly. It is really a nightmare for the new ones.

Hope you got your answer.

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