Firefox OS reference phone, the Flame, is nearly out of stock. We have begun a collection program to get back unused Flames so we can re-flash them and send them to community members but we no longer have the Flame stocks to support events with large numbers of Flames distributed.
If you need a Flame, or maybe even two, you can probably still get it from me as they are returned to me by others and get re-flashed with recent builds. But I probably cannot give you a box of a dozen or two dozen Flames for your event. I’m sorry about that, we’ve simply run out.
Once you had this status about if you like anyone’s comment there then they can request for flame.
You had liked my comment and then I sent you an email requesting for flame.
I guess you missed the email.
can you please check an email from
We do require some firefox os devices, as we have only one keon in whole Nepal. Can you please send us a couple of devices if you still have some?
If I said I’d send you a Flame and you still haven’t received one, please email me, I’ve sent out hundreds and have about 40 that are in the shipping pipeline but not yet in the hands of recipients. Hopefully if you haven’t recevived one, you’re in the queue but just in case, please email me with a copy of our last communication and your current shipping information including phone number. Thanks.
I have received Flame device 8 months which was sent you through Foxtrot application programme. I am very happy for that and thank you once again.
But this flame had an issue with mother board that it can’t charge am currently facing the issue and had taken to service they said that there an issue with mother board.
I have mailed you regarding this from ( and i am requesting you for other flame and in return i will send this to you.