Garage Door Opener

Has anyone had a good experience with a garage door opening that worked well with the WebThings Gateway?

I’ve got a Zigbee and Z-Wave adapter.

I’ve been running a WebThings gateway for about a year now, but I’ve only hooked up some lights.


I’m not aware of any. I’ve been wanting to build an add-on for OpenGarage but have not had time yet.

You could use a X10 Powerflash module to control your garage door. It should be very simple to set up.

Thanks for the ideas. I watched the videos for both products. Cool stuff… in both cases it looks like I’m going to have a little extra work to do but it would be fun to get an OpenGarage and maybe contribute an add-on back to the community… but… I’m going to have to set aside some time todo that.

X10 does look really interesting… I’ll need to watch more videos on that, that looks like a whole… system. It looks like if I want to communicate with it though… I’d need a USB to serial adapter (since I’m running OpenThings Gateway on a RaspberryPI) and some other stuff.

Besides the Powerflash, you will need a X10 Firecracker Serial device:

and a transceiver module:

That really should do it. However, it might end up being a little more expensive that OpenGarage.

Hi Jachin,

I have seen your question and I would like if what you mean is a hardware device or do you already have the device and need the code?

I ask because we are manufacturers of hardware devices with open source code and for 2 months we have been testing our devices with the Mozilla platform and they work perfectly to control lights, garage doors, etc. to power devices such as heaters, water pumps, etc. up to 3600 W for each output.

If we can help you with something about the electronics or something else, we are here for anything.

This sounds interesting. Do you have a link you can post?

Hello Lacojim,

At the moment we do not have the final product ready to show or sell, we only have the functional prototype that is running and with which we do the tests, we are waiting for the PCBs that we have ordered to arrive but it seems that they will take time to get here, it’s the fault of the covid virus, but I’m going to leave you the website and some photos so you can more or less realize what I’m talking about.


Tomorrow I will go to dismount one of the prototypes so I can take real photos so you can see the size and how it looks.

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Hello Lacojim,

I am very sorry that it took me so long to upload the photos but here they do not let us leave the house because of the Covid-19, but even so I have assembled the pieces on a breadboard just so you can get an idea of ​​how it looks and how It’s done.

I am still waiting for the PCBs but I do not think they will arrive very soon because the flights from China have been delayed, but with the photos you can see how it is.The device has two relay outputs and a temperature sensor , It has a size of 56mm x 56mm. Right now we have almost 2 and a half months since when we are testing them and we have not had connectivity problems against the Mozilla platform in any way.

I leave you attached the photos. Anything you want to know I am available to all of you.

Thank you and have a nice day.

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What type of usage have you been testing with this device?

Ee want to use the device to control very basic things inside the house and for use in agriculture, until now we have tested it with the following devices:

  1. Water pump - consumption 2 x 800 W
  2. Boiler - consumption 2 x 1800 W
  3. Halogen exterior lights - total consumption 1600 W
  4. Led house lights - consumption 120 W
  5. Plant heater - 2 x 1650 W

These are the tests that we have carried out so far without any type of failure in the relay outputs or communication with the platform.