Get alternative suggestions during speech recognition


I have a question that I posted already here: .

Can somebody please help me with this topic?

Thanks in advance!


We don’t have that (yet?) API-level.

Hi @lissyx ,

thanks for your reply.

I am a little bit unsure where it is a question or a statement that you made… .

If it does not (yet) exist on API level:

do you (or anybody else) perhaps know a ‘hook’, where I could get such information?

With a ‘hook’ I mean a certain code statement within DeepSpeech, where I could derive such information by myself.

Thanks in advance!

Have you had a look at our API ? You can see we only return one string.

Have you had a look at Github issues ? Expose multiple candidate transcriptions in API (top_paths/top_n != 1) · Issue #432 · mozilla/DeepSpeech · GitHub

Thanks for the hint.