Getting an unlisted extension signed


We’re trying to get our extension signed – we have no need for it to be listed on AMO as we distribute it ourselves so I’ve set it as ‘Unlisted’.

However, it keeps being rejected as ‘Incomplete’, but I have no idea what’s incomplete about it. The extension has been available for 8+ years and has hundreds of thousands of users.

How do I find out why it keeps being rejected?


What is the url to your add-on?

Hey Andreas,

You add-on is incomplete because there are no pending or approved versions. The submitted version has been rejected. You should have gotten an email to the account that is listed in the developer hub. Also, you can see the reason for the rejection on by clicking on “Show File History”.

Alright, I couldn’t see that response. :smile:

Just to be clear, is your rejection based on content/rtmloader.js:104? I don’t see any other uses of eval (unless evalInSandbox is also reject-able?)

For the current pending version, you can see validation results at