I am trying to install Spidermonkey locally originally but I’ve already tried all the options at the end I end up single where it says unable to find “hg”, I’ve googled the error and there isn’t much info available other than a single post which is not helping much, also on the same note I don;t find any good proper documentations related to installing and testing SpiderMonkey like the firefox offical doc just talks about Artifact mode the other modes that you see in the screenshot are not discussed any where at all, so anybody can me with that ?
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hg is our version control, aka mercurial. you can install it using “python3 -m pip install --user mercurial”
If you run into any other issues, you can find our documentation here: https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/js/build.html or feel free to ask again.
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Hey @codehag Thanks this helped actually I was just following this directly https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/setup/linux_build.html#building-firefox-on-linux and didn’t encountered the mozconfig section in the previous was that important.
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