Google Apps Script compatiblity

I’m not sure if anyone has considered adding Google Apps Script to the new MDN compatibility tables. If this has already been discussed before, feel free to forward to the relevant resources.

According to Google’s documentation: “Apps Script is based on JavaScript 1.6, plus a few features from 1.7 and 1.8.”

Is this within the scope of the MDN compatibility tables?

Is there a particular process to adding a new device to the compatibility tables?

Are there tests that can run to help determine compatibility, or should we be just referring to reference documentation?

I would personally find the addition of Google Apps Script to the compatibility tables useful. I would like to hear everyone else’s opinion on the usefulness of including this

This is quite an interesting suggestion. @fscholz is probably the best person to answer this.

My feeling is that Google Apps is not really an appropriate target to support.

It might be a good target for the repository, but maybe not a great one for the site, yet, since we can’t let people select the targets they care about.

Yup, but when they can, I think this could be useful.

I also don’t see this as a priority for the team (especially when there is browser support data to work on), but if someone else wants to work on adding such data, I don’t see why we would say no.