Hi everyone,
I’m Andrew and I run a Mozilla initiative called The Coral Project. We’re collaborating with the New York Times and the Washington Post to improve how journalists connect with communities around news. And we need your help.
Our tools will improve trust around journalism, distinguish real news from fake, broaden the diversity of voices in journalism, improve online dialog, and make journalism more relevant to people’s lives.
We want you to join us in submitting code, contributions, ideas, testing. Right now, making journalism stronger and improving online dialog seem pretty urgent tasks.
Here’s some places to start:
• Check out our products: the form builder/gallery display tool Ask (GitHub link: https://github.com/coralproject/ask/ ; released 11/16), and our comment platform, Talk (GitHub link: https://github.com/coralproject/talk ; entering beta next month)
• Read our Contribution guide
• Check out our research around online communities, journalism, comments
• Message me here and/or talk to our team via our site
Journalism needs everyone. Including you. Let me know