The recommendation for an extension generation logic is a part of FIREFOX broswer/ CHROME BROWSER’s extension management code or it would just gather this informationn from the content provider’s website (extension provider) and render to the end user, could you please answer this and provide me with the source code or any link that can help me in understand this?
I don’t understand the question. By “extension generation” do you mean “extension startup order”?
Hi Noitidart,
I need answers for the below:
- For example, there are 5 developers who have developed extensions on “weather”. Now, among these 5 extensions, which extension will get a higher priority, which extension will get highlighted, which extension you will show or discard? There should be some priority mechanism/logic/algorithm using which you prioritize the extensions on the web page ?
I am asking for that logic, which generated priority or order or selection mechanism? And I am looking for the answer whether this logic ( of prioritizing the extensions ) is a part of browser logic Or you just gather this information from the content provider’s website and render it to the end user.
There could be extensions from the same developer ( as shown on related tab of chrome browser’s extensions page ) or there could be different extensions from different developers. how do u prioritize them ?
I can notice star ratings ( ***** ) and the no of users who have given those ratings to that particular extension and the number of users who have installed the extension.
And this scale based ratings is completely dependent on users.
Some logic/algorithm should be there which generates the priority/ ordering / featured extensions?
- Moreover, the browser recommends a particular extension like - use this extension, it is safe, it has more no of installs etc ( these are ways on which a browser recommends an extension to the end user ) . The other extension is not safe, it is malicious? All these priorities are generated based on some logic/mechanism.
Whether the browser refers to any adware,spyware or malware for generating this recommendations for the extensions? What chrome browser will do, if any extension is harmful ? How it detects that this particular extension it harmful?
Oh I see! You are asking of the order of addons in a search results page on (AMO). I am not sure myself but I will try to find someone who can answer this.
The factors that determine search result ordering are:
- Extension is featured (appears at the top)
- Extension is marked as experimental by the developer (appears at the bottom)
- Number of users
- Relevance to search query
I believe the star rating doesn’t influence ranking.
As for featuring add-ons, that’s a manual process.
Hi Jorgev,
The “recommendation for an extension” generation logic is a part of FIREFOX browser/ CHROME BROWSER’s extension management code or it would just gather this information from the content provider’s website (extension provider) and render to the end user, could you please answer this and provide me with the source code or any link that can help me in understand this?
Sorry, I don’t know what you mean by “recommendation for an extension”.
I suggest an additional criterion:
- compatibility with the overflow menu.
– in retrospect, featured-addons-compatibility-test
was probably not the best place to raise the issue.
In a nutshell: I’m surprised that Mozilla’s pick of the month – Grammarly for Firefox – does not properly fit in the Australis menu (Firefox 55) or the overflow menu (Firefox Nightly 57).
For another featured extension that’s not a good fit: