It might be a bug, but does anyone know how to enable the Webextensions options_ui so that a user can actually open the options without needing to use runtime.openOptionsPage() or manually type the path?
When you open it once is there a URL in the url bar? I’m not too familiar with webexts but I’m hoping I can learn with you here. Is there a screenshot or demo anywhere of a WebExt with options page?
When I manually open it the URL is “moz-extension://9c2273ed-5738-4e9b-bf06-d6e0c346b0d3/options/options.html” Which I’m assuming is automatically generated by Firefox since that’s not my addon ID like it was with SDK addons. I haven’t seen any examples that used options, but when I add it to Chrome you can right click your browser icon or there is an “Options” link in the Extension settings page.
Correction. The latest MDN examples does have one that includes a demo for options_ui, but they just use the browser action with chrome.runtime.openOptionsPage to open the page. The demo does not work in FF46 or FF47.