How to find where I am in content, when arriving at documentation via link?

If I come to the documentation via a link, I have no idea where in the table of contents I am. This makes it very difficult to find related content.

For example, I click a link “” There is no indicator on the left content panel where I am in the documentation. If I knew where, I could then navigate the pages coming before or after this topic.

Is there anyway to determine where in the content I am?

Hello @JohnP

not sure if i got you but when you scroll down each section get highlited

for example in this screen shoot i am in syntax section check the dark rectanlge around it in the in this article section of the page

and this one i moved to the formal definition

and if you click on any of the element in this article you will notice the address change and it point you to the part of this page that start this section so clicking on Browser compatibility will move you the table of the compatibility

so in other word table of content is in this article

if i miss understand you then sorry and could you explain it in other way and have a nice day :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the reply. But I was referring to the content menu on the left side. I don’t know where this page, “box-sizing” appears, in that menu. (see photo). I checked under all the “Learn CSS” menu items and under all the Guides dealing with “Box Alignment”, “Box Model”, etc, and elsewhere. But I cannot find where this page is located (in the context of the rest of the documentation). MozillaDocs|469x500 .

so you suggest that the menu on the left side to show up the selected article same as the one in the right side right

i guess you can get that from the nav menu in the top side

Screenshot from 2022-03-23 21-47-52

for this current article it under reference -> properties -> box-sizing from the left side menu

by the way not all page are part of learning material or guide so think of mdn as mix of the following

  1. learning material (course)
  2. guides
  3. an api for html/css/js

hope that help and have a nice day :slight_smile:

The top nav menu does not show where the current page is in the left menu.
I’m not sure how to make my question clearer. Here is another example of what I mean:
If I click on “At-Rules” in the left menu and then click on “@charset”, the “@charset” page is displayed. But at the same time, the left menu is closed up. There is no indication in the left menu of what item I selected to get where I am. If I got to this page by clicking a menu item, I know where this page is in the menu.

But if I come from outside the site, via a link, I have no idea where the current page is in the menu. Other documentation sites commonly always show you where you are in a menu, by leaving the menu open to the page that you are on.

If I came to the site via the link “”, and wanted to see other items similar to @charset, I would have no idea how to find them.

i got it let me ask @mikoMK to help where you can submit your suggestion

he asking that the left side menu to show up which link or subcategory he currently opened so for

the At-rule under reference should be opened and also @charset be marked same as the rectangle around the section from the in this article part

and have a nice day both of you :slight_smile:

Neither of those things happen when I am on the @charset page.

  • The “At-rule” menu closes as soon as I click on “@charset”.
  • Nothing is marked with a rectangle around it.

I tried both the Firefox and Chrome browsers.

Or are you saying that I should suggest this as a feature and that it is not currently possible to find the menu item for the current page?

exactly that why i asked mikoMK to tell us where the best please to suggest that

i got answered from one of the team

check his answer

hope that help and have a nice day :slight_smile:

Thanks. I will create an issue, platform suggestion.

Sorry for not responding earlier :blush:
Glad you got the answer elsewhere, @justsomeone. is the right place. Since MDN just had a redesign there are still some rough edges. I think this would be a great improvement.


you welcome @JohnP :slight_smile:

it’s ok boss @mikoMK do not be sorry :wink:

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