If I come to the documentation via a link, I have no idea where in the table of contents I am. This makes it very difficult to find related content.
For example, I click a link “https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/box-sizing” There is no indicator on the left content panel where I am in the documentation. If I knew where, I could then navigate the pages coming before or after this topic.
Is there anyway to determine where in the content I am?
and if you click on any of the element in this article you will notice the address change and it point you to the part of this page that start this section so clicking on Browser compatibility will move you the table of the compatibility
so in other word table of content is in this article
if i miss understand you then sorry and could you explain it in other way and have a nice day
Thanks for the reply. But I was referring to the content menu on the left side. I don’t know where this page, “box-sizing” appears, in that menu. (see photo). I checked under all the “Learn CSS” menu items and under all the Guides dealing with “Box Alignment”, “Box Model”, etc, and elsewhere. But I cannot find where this page is located (in the context of the rest of the documentation). MozillaDocs|469x500 .
The top nav menu does not show where the current page is in the left menu.
I’m not sure how to make my question clearer. Here is another example of what I mean:
If I click on “At-Rules” in the left menu and then click on “@charset”, the “@charset” page is displayed. But at the same time, the left menu is closed up. There is no indication in the left menu of what item I selected to get where I am. If I got to this page by clicking a menu item, I know where this page is in the menu.
But if I come from outside the site, via a link, I have no idea where the current page is in the menu. Other documentation sites commonly always show you where you are in a menu, by leaving the menu open to the page that you are on.
Sorry for not responding earlier
Glad you got the answer elsewhere, @justsomeone. https://github.com/mdn/yari is the right place. Since MDN just had a redesign there are still some rough edges. I think this would be a great improvement.