How to publish Mozilla Add-on SDK

I am trying to publish my AddOn SDK but I can find the steps to publish webextension, as when I upload my compresssed Addon SDK , I get 2 errors at
Your add-on failed validation with 2 errors.

  1. No install.rdf or manifest.json found
  2. Add-on missing manifest

and AddOn SDK does not have manifest.json instead it has package.json and and xpi file as an installer.
am I using the wrong link to publish my Add-On SDK??I need it to be verified and available at web store of Mozilla
Any Help will be appreciated. Thanks in Advance.

In the command line, cd into your addon directory. Then type in “jpm xpi”.
Then upload the xpi file that is created.

I found it, its right there, you just need to send your xpi file instead of whole add-on’s zip