As I am trying to find a way to reach the people that contributed to Italian to join our Mozilla community but also to help with the promotion and any other ideas we have with Common Voice and our DeepSpeech Model.
I’ll note a legal limitation, we can’t share Common Voice profiles emails or even email them from Mozilla unless they have explicitly agreed to it.
We are currently evaluating how to improve our email capabilities to at least be able to email to people in their language if they have agreed.
Having said that: We should probably make more visible the language-based discourse subcategories and the links to the matrix rooms.
@Mte90 What are the problems you want to solve now that you feel are blocked by not having this contact to people? This can help us understand all the options we have.
Our problem is to reach those people and invite to join the community to help on moving on what we are doing, from the scraper to the model.
Also to reactive them in case they are not contributing, as we saw in the last month or more we are not getting any new contribution at all.
So the problem is to inform about the status and engage more them instead to give just the website, also because we are working on a promotional video in italian.
As a newcomer in MDN for L10n I found some difficulties to get in touch with you all. It hasn’t been a straightforward process.
IMHO you (we) should find a way to canalize the many information and communication channels, map them, and then produce a sort of brief centralized newcomer vademecum. Some of the channels, like mozillaitalia forum, seem to be almost deserted.