I am working on a browser-extension for Chrome, firefox, Opera and Edge. I am trying to keep the codebase as compatible as possible for all 4 browsers (to keep future updates as easy to work with as possible).
I have come across an issue I havent been able to solve. In the chrome extension I have included a font as a WOFF2 file and reference it inside the CSS like this:
Kind of found a solution: Referencing the font as a DATA URI seems to work in all 4 browsers - only downside is that it gets a tad long in the CSS. I used this page to generate the URI: https://dopiaza.org/tools/datauri/index.php
LOL point taken! - to my defence the extensions code has “Chrome” 50+ other places where it works well in Firefox moz-extension://__MSG_@@extension_id... Didn’t work either - but as freaktechnik pointed out: I obviously just had to swap the URL for a relative URL…