I have a Firefox Add that is built for both Chrome and FF. The extension has been Chrome only for the last couple of years while we’ve addressed some issues flagged by Mozilla. We’ve finally gotten the Add On approved again, but I’m now seeing issues with the Add On in Firefox and it’s loading of PNG images and fonts.
Both the PNG and the fonts are referenced in CSS like this:
image: url(“chrome-extension://MSG@@extension_id_/static/img/filename.png”);
font: url(“chrome-extension://MSG@@extension_id_/static/fonts/crux-icons.woff2”) format(“truetype”);
… this reference worked fine when our Add On was last approved, but now neither the image or the font loads. It’s not the path that’s the issue - the same path works just fine in Chrome and Edge. Has something changed with Firefox that the chrome-extension://_MSG@@extension_id reference no longer works at loading assets that are part of the extension package?