How to Training many folder clips and wav and csv file in different folders

I want to try how Training model with multiple folders clips, so i can control wav file.
and then how if wav and csv file in different folders

I don’t know if I get your question right, but you can specify wav file names in .csv files in the form “directory/filename.wav”

e.g. my .wav files are places in a folder named “wav”

wavs/common_voice_de_17930666.wav,382508,kann man das noch als korrekt durchgehen lassen
wavs/common_voice_de_17930668.wav,269612,sie werden bereits erwartet

Using multiple csv files the help says

--train_files          comma separated list of files specifying the dataset used for training. Multiple files will get merged. If empty, training will not be run.

Simpley use --train_files train1.csv,train2.csv

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