How to use Actions from within python-webthing code

Im Trying to use an action from within my thing to fade up / down on every on/off.
The example/ is a near copy of my thing.
Can somebody show me how to use a Action from within code not the ui or curl?

I’m confused. You want to trigger the action yourself, from within the thing?

I have the code in the action and don’t think replicating it is a good idea…

Why not just break the function out of the action class so that it’s accessible from wherever you want?

Yes possible solution.
Do you mean, that accessing an Action from within a Thing is not possible?
Just want a clear answer for this thread…

It all depends on how you code it. If you make it a static method, you could use it from outside. Or you could create an instance of your action class yourself and run it. It just seems simplest to me to have it be outside the class.