I want to add my Addons in the one click search engine list when users click on add to firefox button like the attached doc of addons

I have an existing Addons on Mozila

I want to add my Addons in the one click search engine list when users click on add to firefox button like the attached doc of addons. What is the process or what

need to change in my code?

Thanking you in anticipation


You have to register a search provider with https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Add-ons/WebExtensions/manifest.json/chrome_settings_overrides

I have added the provider but it not uploading with an error in menifest.json file. I am attaching my jason file, I will be glad and regretful if you check the error with the code

Thnx in advance


Attachments are discarded by the form board when you reply by email. You will have to use some other means to show us your attachment. I’d suggest putting it in a code block in the web interface.

Here it is


“name”: “Teddycan Search Extension”,

“short_name”: “Teddycan.com”,

“description”: “This extension will search Teddycan.com for a given phrase.”,

“version”: “5.0”,

“permissions”: [“contextMenus”],

“background”: {

“scripts”: [“teddycan.js”]


“icons”: {

“16”: “icon-bitty.png”,

“48”: “icon-small.png”,

“128”: “icon.png”


“manifest_version”: 2

“chrome_settings_overrides”: {

“search_provider”: {

“name”: “Teddycan”,

“search_url”: “https://teddycan.com/?q={searchTerms}”,

“keyword”: “disc”,

“favicon_url”: “https://teddycan.com/favicon.ico




I assume you not putting the JSON in a code block is what changed the double quotes to special double quotes. Or your mail client. Further pretty sure that keyword is not what you actually want it to be. And lastly, if you try to temporarily load the extension does it work? If no, could you share the error in the error console? If yes, could you share the error AMO shows you?